Saturday, November 24, 2007


九州出身の双子ユニットON/OFF - 注目!!!!!


来自九州的双生兄弟团在代々木表演街头live也有一段时间,虽然不能说大红,不过street live都会聚集一堆人数不小的扇子。最近终于受到幸运之神的眷顾,不但歌曲被选为風魔の小次郎的片尾曲,两兄弟也在剧中扮演風魔ハ忍衆的兄弟角色-项羽和小龙!现在已经签约SONY旗下。。。。当初从九州上京,果然没错。

当初在街头的小混混模样,到后来在sony旗下拍摄的PV, 俨然脱胎换骨。人开始走红,果然样子都会变得闪亮闪亮。他们的歌真的不错听哦,就连早期在代々木表演的东西也很不错滴!

乡巴佬初上京的痞子样@ 代々木



Sunday, November 18, 2007

ねんどろいどL by Good Smile Company

キラを逮捕に全力を尽くす、国際天才探偵 - L!

ねねねね。。。。。ねんどろいどL - 可愛くないの?





Sunday, November 11, 2007

秋ドラマ -お勧め!!!!!

Every season, besides the mainstream doramas from the bigger stations which boasts of a star studded cast, I also enjoy some of the quirkier selections from good ol TV Tokyo or an even wierder selection from obscure cable TV (Caution : not suitable for general viewing. Contents may contain blood, violence and some nudity.....hehe!)

My first recommendation this season goes to TV Tokyo's 死化粧師 . Based loosely on the manga by 三原ミツカズ, each episode evolves around the main character - Mamiya Shinjirou's daily encounters as an embalmer. This series does not have much of the usual ingredients of mystery solving elements by some super detective, rather it focuses on issues faced by people when their loved ones die in the most unexpected circustances. Mamiya's job as an embalmer forms the link between the dead and the living (not in the spooky sense). In one volume, a ballerina was killed in a car accident and her leg had to be amputated. Her fiance however requested for her to be dressed in a ballet costume (as he would expect her to want to since she loves dancing) for the final funeral. Shinjirou's character as an embalmer is often sandwiched between trying to help the family of the deceased and having to carry out the actual embalming of the dead. While dealing with such requests, Shinjirou grows to accept death in a different way, at the same time he also tries to bring peace and closure to the families of the late.
As embalmers are looked down upon in Japan ( or at least considered wierd) due to a common lack of understanding of the job nature, Shinjirou loafs around daily in the hospital working as a cleaner. Damn corny. helps that 和田正人 who plays Shinjirou really looks like the Shinjirou in the manga!

Manga is a total of 4 volumes. Recommended for those who like mangas with a strange bitter after taste. The drawings are not pretty aka no bishounens, but visually very impactful. Artist used very bold strokes and the entire 4 volumes emphasizes the gloomy and moody atmosphere very well.

Next in line is 風魔の小次郎!!!!Yes....definitely not one of 車田正美 (of saint seiya fame)best works, but still.........ninjas, ninjas and more favourite!

Story tells of two rival ninja academies 白鳳学院 and 夜叉一族 who cannot stop bitching each other off. Of course from the name, we all know that 夜叉一族 is the unscrupulous one and in order to counter them, 白鳳学院 enlists the assistance of 風魔一族 - a legendary clan of ninjas with super duper powers.

What l like about such series is how each ninja has their own special skills and weapons. Every character is unique. Then of course, there are underlying themes ( mainly emotional type!) as well. If you enjoyed Shinobi (which is very lame compared to the anime) or Basilik, this would be your type.

Unfortunately, this series is not shown on major channels, its broadcast mainly on cable TV and the likes. But there are always DVDs if you are really keen ( and other methods which I shall not mention!)

Opening by アンティック-珈琲店: