Tuesday, January 30, 2007


已经开始打PV! 发型就是最近那个半边秃头半边刘海的那个!

上次横滨水槽的时候已经拿来当encore 曲。那时第1次听就已经很喜欢假音和转音部分。

还蛮期待这次的新单曲的说 !!

这个是几十秒的TV SPOT


Monday, January 29, 2007

天上天下 ~ 真夜 VS 五十鈴

This was the wonderful fighting scene in the Bowling Alley Toilet in 天上天下.
I love the gore!!!!!!

Found it on Youtube. Its not the full scene though, what a pity.

Neeways, good thing must hardsell! (Only thing is I cannot really tahan the music, but then, I should not be complaining la. People take the effort to upload and I am just freeloading!)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

相葉弘樹 - Go Go Go!






当然小aiba离大红大紫还有很长一条路,所以希望他真的能好好的努力了。我也希望看到tenimyu以外的aiba! 也希望能多看他跳舞,尤其是jazz ballet,真的很棒!身形动作都很漂亮! 我就是被他那个kira kira kira dance的开头扭腰动作煞到了!其他的同台演员根本被比了下去吗!


スキトモ的 dvd 到底买还是不买好吗???

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

天上天下 唯我独尊

I have had some enquiries over my pic on the left

Well, the pic on the left is 棗 真夜 from the series 天上天下 in kiddy form. The actual form is one of a well-endowed female species, 17 yrs old! Throughout the manga she morphs between the 2 forms, sthg to do with the “qi” in her body.

(棗 真夜 in her true form)

YES!!!! I have totally degenerated into a 天上天下fangal!

Okay…….. lets get back to real business here. This post is about 天上天下.

Its an adult manga by 大暮 維人 and its still running in Shueisha’s Ultra Jump. Being a adult manga (you guessed it), the female characters are full of boobs ( huge ones, the type you can lie face down and you do not need a pillow. For poor folks like us in reality, we will need a huge pillow if not you will be suffocating to death coz we have no huge boobs to cushion our upper torso, and our poor faces will be crushed right into the surface….anyway, why am I bothering to explain this part?), have legs that seem to extend from their armpits ( ie fucking long!), long flowing hair that reaches the mid calves and not a single strand gets misplaced even during the fight scenes etc etc etc……..

Not to forget, lots of short skirt ( aka we get to see a perfectly proportioned絶対領域 ~ learnt this term from scenic. ), plenty of panties, solid fight scenes (my favourite scenes are the bowling alley toilet fight between 真夜 and 五十鈴 + the rooftop showdown between真夜and 亜夜) which of course comes along with plenty of blood and violence. The graphics in the anime are very much subdued compared to the actual manga. I flipped through a few books of the manga and it was much more violent and sexual in content.

The plot is very complicated and starts off with 2 ah-bengs ( ボブ牧原 and 凪宗一郎) as newcomers to the 統道学園. Both ah-bengs try to show off their fighting skills ( which in fact suck big time!!!) but were defeated by the 柔剣部部長 ~ 棗 真夜. At the same time, the 2 ah-bengs catch the attention of the 執行部 who passed down an order to force them to quit school for going against the school regulations. (The 執行部 is extremely powerful and is headed by a bunch of freaks….Muahahahahah!). Both ボブ and 宗一郎 refused to admit defeat and decided to practise martial arts under 真夜. It turns out 宗一郎 has enormous potential and although the manga is still ongoing, there is no doubt that 宗一郎 will be the strongest chap in 柔剣部. Of course at the side, 真夜’s younger sister 亜夜 has a huge crush on 宗一郎 ( BTW, I cannot tahan 亜夜!).

The plot takes a huge turn when the 執行部 heads for its first direct confrontation with 柔剣部at the bowling alley. The wonderful fighting scene in the toilet between 真夜 and 執行部副部長 ~ 五十鈴 aside, this is also the scene where 高柳光臣, the President of the Executive Council first makes his appearance. After everyonee else is either lying flat on the ground bleeding or dead, only 光臣 and 真夜 are left standing and SURPRISE SURPRISE……it turned out they were lovers and 光臣 actually had great respect for 真夜’s brother 慎. Anyway Mitsuo killed Shin and the 2 could never be reconciled again.

I like the way the tension between 真夜 and 光臣 are depicted. Both extremely strong characters and yet there is that wee bit of angst and tenderness each time they face each other. A good half of the anime is spent explaining the complicated relationship between 真夜、光臣 and 慎 in their younger days. The story actually starts unfolding here and brings us back to the time when Shina and Maya were still kids.

Yes, like all Japanese manga with their ultra-perverted plots (aka main pkot, sub plot, sub-sub plot), the main big plot behind 天上天下 actually starts from 光臣. His family ~ 高柳 clan is the head of a long line of fighters and warriors. They are served by 12 other family lines which include 棗 (真夜’s clan) and surprise surprise…..凪 ( 宗一郎’s clan). 光臣’s father, in order to prepare 光臣 in succeeding him as the head of the 高柳 clan, planned this elborate project around him, including arranging for 慎 and 光臣 to become buddies etc. Hell….even the girlfriend for 慎 was pre-arranged.

In the 棗 clan, some members are born with the 竜眼, which besides giving the owner huge powers, it also at the same time makes him extremely susceptible to the evil forces of the 式刀零毀, a katana owned by the clan. Besides 慎, 真夜’s younger sister 亜夜 also has the竜眼. 慎feels that the 竜眼 is a curse bestowed upon him as a member of the 棗 Clan. When the powers of the 竜眼 first awoken and 慎 started seeing things happening in the past and the future, he went berserk and his parents locked him up to prevent him from going mad. It proved too much for him to take that he killed his own parents with the 式刀零毀. 慎 then becomes overly protective of 真夜, the only normal one in the family.

慎 ultimately let 竜眼 take control of him and this partly led to him being killed by光臣. Of course, the fact that 光臣 and 真夜 were seeing each other also drove 慎 nuts (慎 had this thing for his sister la). 光臣 was devastated with the death of 慎 and at the same time was extremely cheesed off with his father's so-called experiments and plotted to overthrow him….which he succeeded by rallying the 2nd generation kids from the other family lines. 真夜was unable to get over her brother’s death and set up the 柔剣部 to counter 光臣’s 執行部.

The anime ends abruptly after the flashbacks and an expected tournament in school ( the tournament never happens la). The manga still continues and it gets more intrigueing as the 12 clans start to make their appearances. Am getting pretty excited about the series and loaning book after book.

Recommended if you can get over the boobs and otaku thing surrounding this series. The plot is thrilling, characters are pretty well-defined (literally and figuratively) and oh well…….a lot of angst!
And a great soundtrack to go with!

Yes……. I finally succumbed and ordered the soundtrack last nite over CD Japan. Along with my…erm…… 部長and 跡部 テニプリcharacter CDs.
(While I was at it, I just realized I had like another 3 pending orders on CD Japan! These are the things you conveniently forget until your credit card bills come!)

Friday, January 12, 2007





那个年代,我们都记得王杰, 记得费玉清, 记得他们成功背后的李寿全。

“这样的歌声,怎么能埋没?” 这是李老师对方维珍的评语。



《日记》- 1992年出版,现已经绝版(也是站长常年寻找当中的一张专辑)

推荐歌曲:我到底疏忽了你什么 (下载)
作词:方维珍 作曲:方维珍 编曲:Ricky Ho (也是音乐猛人一个!)


那一夜当你熄了烟 走出我的门

告诉我 我到底疏忽了你什么
其实我懂得什么是温柔 什么是爱
告诉我 我到底疏忽了你什么

Thursday, January 04, 2007

网王 305 + 321


4天假期,在家里终极一班和网王刨个没完没了,结果就是生了这篇东西出来茶毒大众的眼睛!鞠躬。。。s-s-s-sorry (模仿终极一班班长金宝山)!

先说305, 之前已经在各bbs闹得厉害。今天才来说,已经有点过期,不过真地想把自己的一点想法说出来。


K5第1次出场是以坏人的形象出现。双部长对决也是我至今认为最最最精彩的一场比赛。K5决定打持久战废掉部长的左肩,我是读到有点想哭的冲动, 心想着青学的支柱,手塚国光就这样被毁了肩膀,流放到九州,从此在漫画销声匿迹了好长一段时间。可是,很微妙的,K5在整场赛事心情的转变 – 由最初恶行恶状的一味要把部长毁掉,到后来对部长的敬佩之心油然而生 –很成功的让身为读者的我看到了一点点K5性格上很鲜明的一面。比赛结束,两位互相高举双手 - 真的是他们网球生涯中最好的赛事。这个画面是我的最爱。比赛有输赢,不过这场赛事下来,局面确是双赢的。两边的扇子忽然爆增!

这个是漫画公式之一 :好人就算作了很多好事也不如坏人在关键时刻忽然展现善良的一面来得具有冲击性。

接下来再看305,K5对龙马。不看,也知道龙马会赢。这是漫画的基本公式之二。网王主角不是青学,是龙马,所以他不可能在中途就挂掉。同样的,其它一些很有人气的配角会为了让主角成长而被安排忽然消失,落败。在我看来,这是理所当然。厉害如部长,真田,K5都逃不了当炮灰的命运,因为他们都是配角。习惯了K5华丽作风的扇子,一定都很反感305里头K5不但输了,还被龙马这小子剃头, 成了名副其实的光头!当然我觉得龙马剃K5的头有点牵强,要知道龙马虽然很拽,不过他绝对不是那种任性无理取闹的小鬼头。但是剧情如此却也并不是无道理滴。首先要清楚地是,部长在龙马心中的地位 – 是部长,是启蒙老师, 对于这位亦师亦友的学长被K5害得到九州疗养,那他对K5这场赛事就有点复仇意味存在, 剃头事件也就顺理成章的发生了。

这个部分有读过都知道就在龙马跑到K5面前要把它的头发剃掉时K5是最先站起来的。就性格精神层面,K5表现得很得体,甚至是在龙马之上。虽然输了比赛,不过精神依旧华丽!当然305重点不在此。重点在于下面这句部长亲口说出的话 – 即使没有了意识,你还要君临一切?

这句话,从部长口中说出,突现了K5的非凡气度和傲骨。我觉得,以一个K5扇子来说,这真的就足够了。至少我很庆幸许老师突出了这一点。只不过,很多人只注意到K5被剃头, 而忽略了这个我认为最华丽的部分。这是K5的风范,是那个和部长比赛后高举起部长右手的人该有的风范。从头到尾,依旧华丽,没有变质。对于一个不是主角的人物,我觉得这就够了, 至少K5保留了他的华丽精神!




不二子一直接不到球被打成0-5?不二子全程睁开眼睛,流大汗到头来还是输了?这就叫狼狈?强如部长,真田,K5都输过,比赛本来就应该有输赢,为什么就不二子不能输?奇怪了。因为他是不二子, 因为他是天才???只因为输球,不二子这个人物就完全走样?完全变形?只因为之前许老师把他画得太成功,太完美,所以不二子只能这样毫无瑕疵的走下去???


再说许老师安排了不二子输球这场赛事,对我而言是很重要的剧情发展,因为它将带给不二子性格上真正的立体感,还有这场赛事对不二子真正觉醒应该起了微妙的化学作用。之前218埋下的伏笔应该快要应验了。经过了这场恶斗的洗礼,不二子 完全觉醒完全认真,这是必然的。就像不二子现在应该完全能日了解部长是以怎样的心情带领青学进军全国大赛。那份决心,想必不二子现在应该能完全体会到。这样认真的不二子还真令我感到自豪呢!


毫无疑问这是一场很精彩的球赛。看了虽然心疼,当然我很期待失败后的不二子能再创高峰。明白了自己终究为什么而失败,那不二子又怎能说是输得狼狈呢?所以白石这个旗鼓相当的对手,我真的得感谢你了。没有你,不二子那份耀眼的光是不可能被激发出来滴! 没错,不二子是输了,可是坐在地上,看着对他伸出手的白石, 他却笑了。如果这次输球能换来不二子往后对待每一场赛事都一样认真,以最快的速度进化,那不是很好吗?

当然私心的我希望不二子一直保持单打不败的战绩,作为一个喜欢不二子的人,看他对球赛一分比一分得认真可是到头来却无法如愿的赢球,还是会心疼啦。 不过在埋怨漫画家之前,身为读者也应该好好去尝试了解老师的用意。
