Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10月31日 ~ 天空很灰,雨从午夜就一直下个不停



Tuesday, October 16, 2007


先把大概行程放上来, 周末再慢慢补功课!密切留意咯!
还有就是小佬抢滩成功,已经确定步入我的阿佬宫殿 (爆!)。



オムライス移動販売屋台 OmtRak (オムトラック)
我这一辈子吃过最最最最最好吃的蛋包饭 - オムライス!


801ちゃん - 出番!!!!
这个。。。有没有人有兴趣? 如果说普通人呢…就叫普通级啦 (笑,我说什么了!)
严重一点呢,男的就叫オタク. 当然近几年也有所谓的オタク女啦,就是沉迷漫画游戏等程度不在オタク男之下的腐女.

如果还在オタク程度之上, 我们就称这个腐女为801ちゃん! 801 – 读为 yaoi ! (千万不要读错,会笑死很多人的!还有,是不大可能有男性的801ちゃん的啦,所以不要问了!)

和ドラマ[恋爱诊断] 和映画[ boys love]劇場版 被腐女们封为今年夏天禁断ノ愛特集三部曲!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

10/14 - PIPPIN 天王洲银河剧场


感想是 – 意外的有趣。小树苗也在我看不到的地方努力着,进步神速。

剧场方面很像外国, 小卖部卖的是高级的鸡尾酒和三明治。一进场就不准拍照,大家都很守次序。。。。一个新的体验啰!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

10/13 - 日比谷野音 Battle of Hibiya Yaon 2008

不过我还是进场了。。。。中间耍了点小手段!我偷偷跟在一个也是1个人看live的日本人后面,乘进场一片混乱就浑水摸鱼和工作人员说我和前面的扇子是一起的。。。。就这样 – 过关了!我可是身经百战,livehouse训练有素的哟!

久违的日比谷野音 – 脑海里出现了好多好多回忆。本以为和这个场地已经绝缘的说。

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Kamijo + Teru + 勇+Hizaki

You see, everything links up after some time. (read - irresistable urge to rant again on a weekend when I am not needed back in office!)

My favourite Lareine member – Kamijo (This guy is a real TRAP and a real stubborn idiot. Blood sucker!)

My favourite 藍花柳 member – Teru ( I mean, check out one of my post on this indie band in 2005-6, Teru was the saving grace of the band. Haaiz, what would you expect from a band whose frontman can barely screech a note, if not for the really strong band members, 藍花柳could not have possibly come this far. They had some really good songs though. Too bad Teru quit. Good thing he continues to play in Versailles and I have to say his outfit sure looks hotter than in Aikaryu. )

My favourite雀羅 member -勇 (Yes, despite all that conical bra thingy, 勇 was a dahling! And 雀羅 had some of the most obiang songs in vkei history, its just that everytime they were about to make it, some other indie band would appear out of nowhere and steal the limelight from them. Luck really not on their side! )

My favourite Crack Brain/Schwardix/Sulfuric member – Hizaki (his technique is great and for a long while many have called him a genuis in the vkei scene. I first chanced upon during Crackbrain days....and that was like darn long ago. Gosh he is already 28 yrs old!!!!! Wa, when I first saw him, he was barely 20 yrs old. He had his fair share of good bands and lousy ones. Schwardix Marvally was solid, but the band din last long. His last band Sulfuric Acid was quite lame, the songs did not rock.)

Put the 4 not exactly young chaps (Kamijo is probably just a bit younger than me) + Yuki from Sugar Trip (okay, no comments about this band though)……what do you have? A new extravagant cum decadent cum elaborately dressed up aristocrats and elegant ladies band – VERSAILLES.

While fans like me cannot stop listening to their Revenant Choir debut DVD (wow, how have times improved, pple are releasing debut DVDs, no longer CDS or the good ol cassette tapes!), am glad Versailles is finally releasing a full length album.

The Revenant Choir looks suspiciously like Kamijo’s brainchild, his characteristic story about the living dead, dead living, Victorian age etc. The twin guitars are my soft spot……I love the sound of twin guitars– from X-japan, Onmyouza, L’Dear….(along the way we have Raphael with Kazuki’s one-man guitar show, but I guess twin guitars are not that common in the band scene anyway).

I love how bands with twin guitarists perform the solo sections. Each guitar melody answering the other before both guitars joining in a 2-part rift culminating in the ULTIMATE CLIMAX!!!!!!

Muah hahahahaha!!!!!! Can’t wait for their October full length release!
(knowing Kamijo’s marketing tactics, its just the beginning of me kissing my wallet goodbye once again!

PV of The Revenant Choir (Look out for Teru and Hizaki’s guitar solo. Been a long time since I felt a vkei band can play decently. Vkei scene these days is flooded with a whole bunch of boys who use lots of playback....uuuurgh )

Thot might as well include a solo by Hizaki in his earlier project before joining Versailles. This kid is good la. Particular solo played here is not easy. (Guitar used is an ESP custom.)

Saturday, October 06, 2007


加藤和樹のNew Single「impure love」がリリースになりました!!初登場 ORICON no. 7。