Sunday, May 27, 2007

刺青 - spider lilies - 曼珠沙华



彼岸花,又名曼珠沙华,又称为 Spider Lily。花语是“分离/ 伤心/ 不吉祥”。
传说曼珠沙华开在地府,花香能唤起人生前的记忆, 指引着已逝之人踏入幽冥之狱。是不祥之兆。

春分前后三天 - 春彼岸,秋分前后三天 - 秋彼岸。是上坟的日子。彼岸花开在秋彼岸期间。

传说很久以前,守护彼岸花的是两个妖精- 花妖蔓珠, 叶妖沙华。两个妖精守护了彼岸花几千年,疯狂的思念彼此却不能见上一面。有一天,他们终于违背了神的规定,见了面却迁怒了神。蔓珠和沙华被打入轮回到,永世不能相见, 受尽人间磨难,却又在黄泉路上闻到开彼岸的花香刺激醒前世的记忆。。。不断轮回,不断分开,记忆却永远陪伴着他们。

电影[刺青] 翻译成spider lilies。第一次觉得翻译得很好,比原文高明。 spider lilies - 女主角身上刺青图案 - 背后的故事 - 刺青的缘由 - 悲伤的理由。带出了电影的重点。 松了口气, 还以为又有人会自作聪明的把片名翻译成tattoo或tattooist。。。。那就真的反了。 新加坡6月上映, 有时间可以去看一下,电影本身拍得不错。

完全和上面无关的东西。“いつかの君へ” - 这个夏天,我最期待的一部电影。。。。哈哈哈哈哈!(是最期待, 不是介绍。基本上,我觉得应该是滥透的一部电影啦。我有时是很盲目滴!)

BGM - 梅艳芳 [曼珠沙华]

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Suns Drummer Wayne Seah Dies in Sleep

Last post before I fly back.

Wayne Seah (aka Wayne Thunder) of The Suns (Melbourne based singapore rock band, formerly known as The Boredphucks) passed away last nite in his sleep. This boy was only 29 yrs old. Uuuurgh, I hate such news. I simply cannot accept it.

Probably unknown to many, The Suns is one of the cult icons in Singapore’s indie rock scenes. Wayne himself was one of the most enthusiastic chaps pushing the local rock scene, always handing out tickets to live gigs.

Some would remember them for the radio friendly hit ZOE TAY (poking fun at our Caldecott Hill Queen’s apparent lack of command in Engrish), others would remember them for cussing on stage at Youth Park…whatever, thats not important. To me, they left their dolby mark on the Singapore indies rock scene.

R.I.P Wayne.

I wished I did not have to do this post at all. I hate the familiar feeling Wayne's current website is giving me.

Monday, May 14, 2007

BHの春のアニメセレクションNO. 1 - 黒の契約者 Darker than Black






李舜生 : 黒がその正体を隠すために、一般人を装っている姿。中国人留学生という設定だ。


* 契約者は能力を持つのために、弁償は必要です。弁償は様々なことがある、たとえば歌を歌う、花を食う。。。。主人公の黒の弁償は今不明です。弁償は契約者の影響も不明です

銀 : 盲目のドール。水を媒介とする観測霊で、チームの作戦をサポートする。

黄 : 組織とのパイプ、チームの動向を監視する。

猫 : 動物に憑依する契約者。猫に憑いている時、本来の肉体を失ってしまた。

霧原未咲 : 国家公安局外事4課課長。契約者関連事件を追い続ける。

斉藤雄介 : 未咲の部下となる、公安の刑事。

My best pick for animes this season – Darker than Black. 2 episodes make up one story arc.

The hell gate appeared over the skies of Tokyo and at the same time the Heaven gate was lost. The appearance of the Hell gate led to the birth of a group of Keiyakusha – human beings with extraordinary powers. Each keiyakusha has different ability and being devoid of all emotions, the keiyakushas develope into mean killing machines coveted by all secret agents and investigation bureas. The series ( still ongoing) revolves around the different groups who utilize different keiyakushas to find out the secret behind the disappearance of Heaven gate, the appearance of Hell gate and to collect intelligence information against each other.

The main character Hei has the ability to control electricity. Hei is part of the Soshiki. Hei is supported by In, Mao and Hoan. In is a Doll. Dolls are emotionless spirits. In’s ability is to spy using water as a medium but both In and the target must be in contact with water before she can do so. Mao has lost his body and currently resides within a black cat. He is hooked up to the wireless network and can receive loads of data. Hoan takes care of surveillance, but he seems not to like Keiyakushas a lot….strange.

Of course Keiyakushas can choose to give up all their powers to return to normal life, and they become what is know as Regressors. Then there is something know as弁償, essentially each keiyakusha has to do something in return for their special powers. It can be as simple as singing a song, eating flowers etc. Hei’s弁償is currently unknown and we are not sure what are the impacts of弁償 on the keiyakushas in the long run.

Very interesting series. Full of spy action, gore and suspense, I give it the thumbs up against other animes I am following this season. The other two I am following are 鋼鉄三国志 and Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion. These are about the only ones I would recommend, the rest are the usual stuff, nothing interesting. Of course....I am thinking about the St Beast DVD....hmmmm, I admit the story is crappy, but its the pretty boy thing acting up on me again, plus Sakurai and Ishida voicing over Shin and Yuda respectively.....damn tempted.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Metrosexual Hero – Make- up artist - 風間大介

This one is hilarious ~~ Yes, make no mistakes about it, this is from仮面ライダードレイクseries, not some weird fanvid. Its what I call one of the most disturbing moments in the superhero series 仮面ライダードレイク. Wahahahahahaha~~~~~~~~~~

Although daisuke is one of the Kamen Riders….his special skill is actually ULTIMATE MAKE UP. His makeup skills are so good, it is said he can transform any woman into a beauty. He lugs a big guitar case all over, and the guitar case is actually his makeup kit containing all his makeup brushes, sponge etc. A new Kamen Rider, his skills are slightly weak in the beginning but soon he develops into one of the most formidable Rider. Damn hilarious, coz the police were after him as they thought he had killed another fellow upcoming makeup artist. (I was like…..what a sideline job for a superhero!)

Drake Data
- Favorite past time – women, makeup, women, makeup and playing with GON (a little girl with amnesia.)
- Character – horny lor, doesn’t really give a hoot that he is a rider. In fact he is not a member of the ZECT. Softie at heart and seems more concerned about helping those around him (especially if you are female) than fighting the WORMS (villains in the series)
-Rider Height: 191cm (Masked Form); 189cm (Rider Form)
-Rider Weight: 125kg (Masked Form); 91kg (Rider Form)
-Punching Power: 7000kg (Masked Form); 3000kg (Rider Form)
-Kicking Power: 9000kg (Masked Form); 6000kg (Rider Form)
-Maximum Jump Height: 23m (Masked Form); 39m (Rider Form)
-Maximum Running Speed: 100m/8.4s (Masked Form); 100m/5.5s (Rider Form)
-Right Handed
-Device Type: Drake Grip ('Henshin' Gun)
-Animal: Dragonfly
-Color: Sky Blue
-Cast Off System: Pulling the trigger on the Drake Grip after pulling the Drake Zecter's tail throttle.
-Cast Off Announcement: "CHANGE DRAGONFLY!!!"
-Clock Up System: Slip fingers along the Trace Switches on the ZECT Buckle.
-Primary Finisher: RIDER SHOOTING - Drake folds up the Drake Zecter's wings into its scope mode, and targets his enemy. Once the target is locked, Drake pulls the throttle, beginning the power charge. Once the charge is complete, a large power shot can be fired; packs enough force to obliterate the Worm.

This is the full "henshin –cast off – clock up" clip with Drake, TheBee and Kabuto. Aaaahhhh, this is what it should be la (not some makeup school thingy)!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I want my Keli blanket now!

Something cropped up at workplace and its making me feel real lousy.

Not angry, just feeling down.

Its that feeling of wanting to go home immediately and just cozy up in bed under my Endlicheri blanket.

But CANNOT -(1) because I am an working adult, so cannot be wagamama. (2)because I have got a whole bunch of folks working for me, so must be willing to swallow more shit for the greater good. (3) because ...because...because.....

Am just trying to convince myself. Sigh!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

大型新人バンド「the studs」が6月13日にミニアルバムでデビュー!




2007年2月よりプリプロダクションを開始し、1ヶ月に7曲という精力的なペースで作品作りを進め、3月より音源制作に入った彼ら。そして遂にデビューアルバム「studs」を 6月13日 に2タイプ同時発売!!また、リリース後には欧州を含む世界12都市13公演の彼らのワンマンツアーが予定されている!


一群超龄视觉系弟弟们。。。就靠你们复兴visual kei了!

(clip has nothing to do with post.
传说中kazuki@shibuya o west忘词片断,3.02分/6.52分