Monday, May 26, 2008
But oh well, since I wrote it, thot might as well just post it coz I think I would be doing injustice to the series if I din like RECOMMEND it.
Oh man.....this is probably the best tokusatsu I have come across. Highly highly x 1000 recommended!
Excerpt taken from Wikipedia : "The series is considered by some to be a turning point in tokusatsu entertainment, as it was marketed towards adults and older teenagers, as opposed to younger children. The show contains graphic violence, nudity, and mature themes. It was marketed as a "Hyper Midnight Action Drama." true. Plus the fight scenes are nicely done. I am not a big fan of hyper special effects. If I wanted to watch that, I would go to the cinema and catch an A-grade Hollywood action movie on digital format. For tokusatsu series, I like it when the heroes fight - fist by fist, 拳拳到肉!
The Garo world is a world of its own with many special rules. It is said that the human world is haunted by Horrors, a monster that is created out of the inner dark personality of human beings. Such ill feelings take shape and in turn possess the very human beings they were born from, causing havoc in the world. Makai Knights are a chosen breed whose task is to rid the world of Horrors (this does not equate to protecting the human race. There's a slight difference here).
Each region in the world has its own Makai Knight and every knight only takes care of its own area. It is against the rule to poke your fingers into another location (hehe, how true! sounds like the corporate world!). Each Makai Knight reports to a Shinkan, literally means the guardians of the passageway between Hell and the human world. Garo's Shikan of the east take the form of 3 damn irritating girls who take turns finishing up one sentence. The Shinkans are served by this angmoh looking butler who seems to be mute. Each Makai Knight has a Madogu, essentially a piece of accessory which has entered into a contract with the Makai Knight. Garo's madogu is a skull-shaped ring Zaruba, who has entered into a contract to be by Garo's side upon the death of Garo's father. Madogu's not only help the Makai Knights during their training, they also provide valuable insight and advise regarding the Horrors and act as a Horror detector of sorts. Besides the Madogu, each Makai Knight has different armours, weapons and abilities. The armour is made from Soul Metal (special element retrieved from Hell) and can withstand any kind of attack. But each time it is summoned, the Makai Knight can only wear it for 99.9s, anything longer the armour will in turn devour the Makai Knight, turning him towards the dark side. Only in one battle did Garo risk going beyond the 99.9s time limit and he went bersek, morphing into a werewolf like creature displaying extremely violent traits.
Although each episode focuses on a specific horror type - lust, greed, envy (sthy like seven sins), a lot of interlocking mysteries are thrown in along the way, leading to the final climax at the end of the series. Was Garo's father killed by another Makai Knight? Why did Garo kill Shizuka, Zero (Makai Knight of the West)'s lover? Why does the Shinkan of the East take the form of 3 young girls? Who is Kodama (nope, not the shinkansen for sure)? Why does the shinkan of the East seem so keen on setting the stage for Zero and Garo's showdown? Why did Kaoru's father paint pictures of Makai Knights in his story book? Why does Kaoru keep running into Horrors? All these seemingly unrelated pieces fall together ingeniously towards the end. And I just have to say, its such a refreshing change from the usual Super Sentai and Kamen Rider series (where bad is bad, good is good and never the twain shall meet!).
oops, I digressed. Back to Garo ~ the only gripe I have for Garo series - the female lead Kaoru suck big time. I mean, I am used to seeing female leads in tokusatsu series being very HOT!. This one is jialut. And the only reason I suspect why she was chosen was because she really looked professional in the last fighting scene (and thats her only real fighting scene). She really kicks ass. I dun wan that leg to land on my face, my face will crack! Hmm, the evil female horrors were quite hot though..........especially Meshia.
A lot of fighting scenes were filmed at premium outlet! Yes, I recognize those branded shops! Couldnt stop laughing about it. (Yes, a-poh.......we need to go back there again)
My fav scene from the series - Garo Vs Zero.
(this is also the first time Zero henshin-s. And yes, Zero is Ray Fujita and he goes by another name Takuto -vocalist of indie band Dustz. Din know he can kick so well!)
By the way, the current season of Super Sentai series - engine go-onger SUCK big time. Its totally crap la. Such a disappointment compared to the last Jyuuken Sentai series. Kamen Rider just gets better. After Den-o last season which was already good, the new Kamen Rider Kiva series is even better! Despite Seto Koji needing some help from the Looks dept (he looks damn gay at times) compared to Takeru, the current season of Kamen Rider is really good. Finally we have a superhero who is dark (one of his parents I think is a Fangaire?), stays in a haunted house, plays the violin and has a bat as his motif ~~ Cool!
Sentai series can go suck eggs this time. Kiva takes it all!
Monday, May 19, 2008
19-21日为全国哀悼日。在此期间,全国和各驻外机构下半旗志哀,停止公共娱乐活动,外交部和中国驻外使领馆设立吊唁簿。5月19日14时28分起,全国人民默哀3分钟,届时汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。 这是自1990年《国旗法》实施以后,中国第一次依据该法 “发生特别重大伤亡的不幸事件或者严重自然灾害造成重大伤亡时,可以下半旗志哀”之条款进行全国哀悼。
只是,我一直在问, 我还能做什么?
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Day 2- Hide Memorial Summit (Picture heavy)

Day 2 - Hide Memorial Summit (Hot and sunny! Yeah, have a good tan!)
Most goods are sold out after first day including Xjapan goods. No replenishment it seems. Many came in sportswear, I think waiting to strip when it gets too hot. Some changes in timing and a small message from the event organizer:
東京・味の素スタジアムで開催中の「hide memorial summit」。
●13時05分 ~ heidi.
●13時35分 ~ LADIES ROOM
hideが空に旅立って10年... hideの名の下に集結した、21組のアーティストが2日間にわたって 熱いライブを繰り広げる「hide memorial summit」。 たくさんの笑顔に出会えることを楽しみにしております。
~hide memorial summit制作運営委員会 ~
Event starts on time for day 2 at 1305. Stadium was not completely filled up coz nobody it seems knew about the change in starting time (gawd.....bad bad organization)
First band - heidi is working the crowd up. Covered hide's Tell Me (uuuurgh, one of my favourites) + 2 other songs (泡沫 and レム)
Next up is Tokyo Yankees on LH side stage. Am wondering who the vocalist is since Umemura passed away last year? Oh.... seems the 無敵flag is out......gee, thats early. (Yoshi and Nori took over the vocals for Tokyo Yankees)
Next up Ladies Rm - set list - 1.ダメージ 2 ジェットコースター 3 せっくすろっくんろ.
Diru takes main stage now. They cover MISCAST! Yeah! Yoyo, make sure you release the DVD for day 2!
Diru Set list:
4.dead tree
the Underneath performing now. Heard everyone's running for the toilet! Gee......Mucc should be coming up next. .............Well....we got it all wrong. Despa up next.
Despa setlist: 1.POSE 2.69 3.ブリリアント 4.ミラー ムック
They covered hide's ポーズ! Now, at this point I really wished I was there.
And it seems the dark clouds are gathering. Its gonna rain......definitely. Heehee .....さすが雨男でしょう!Luna Sea plays Rain in the rain! 最高!Latest news is that Xjapan should be on stage by 1830.
Back to Aji, Mucc on stage now. ............ and they have some trouble with the equipment. Hope everything is ok and it does not affect the performance. Seems the guitars were too loud and we can barely hear Tatsuro's voice. Thats pure unlucky. Mucc's set list :蘭鋳, 梟の揺り籠, 志恩, ファズ, ダイス(カバー), リブラ.
Mucc covered DICE!!!!!! Thx man!
(my top 4 fav hide songs - tell me, good bye, pink spider and dice. Why am I not there???!!!)
The remaining lineup should be - Oblivion Dust, LunaSea, X japan, 無敵 session band.
I am really wondering what the session band will play coz almost all the more popular hide songs have been covered by one band or another? And who will be in the session band?
Luna Sea just ended its session. They covered hide's Scanner. Setlist:
04. Slave
05. Scanner (hide cover)
06. In Silence
07. BLUE TRANSPARENCY~限りなく透明に近いブルー~
08. Rosier
09. Tonight
10. Wish
11. Up To You
(11 songs, thats like more than 1/2 a concert. Not bad, the tix price at 14800 yen is worth it, considering its for charity as well and you get to watch so many other acts.)
X japan stage set up now.......

Setlist :
1.Amethyst/World Anthem
2. Rusty Nail
3. Scars
4. MC
5. Silent Jealousy (Noooooooooo....I want to hear this live again!)
6. VTR of hide's interview (BGM Forever Love)
7. Piano Solo
8. Without you
9. Kurenai
Entire stadium doing X Wave now amidst calls of enco-reeeee.
BTW, Yoyo announces August Taiwan concert and probably another Tokyo Dome show! Come! Lets GO! And Diru's next album will be produced by yoshiki.
(無敵 session band standby)
10. Endless Rain
11. Orgasm
12. IV (Sugizo joins in)
HIGHLIGHT OF DAY 2 無敵 session band ----- (The DVD BETTER be out!)

1. ピンクスパイダ (pink spider)
(Gu:Yo, pata, inoran, sugizo. Yo uses hide's yellow heart. Uuuuurgh, I have never seen him play guitar live before, it had always been on film. And yoyo has not done it in public for a long time.
Ba: Heath, J
2. Believe
Ba. HEATH, J )
(X JAPAN+LUNA SEA+T.M.Revolution+ムック+Spread Beaver+LADIESROOM
Twin Vo: RYUICHI+TOSHI + everyone else who sang at least 1-2 verses
Every one did the X jump, played around with the 無敵flag
For those at the stadium, to be able to see Yoshiki play guitar again.....priceless! Although he is quite a good guitarist (good enuf for a few endorsements and custom made), he seldom plays publicly. He usually does this on a non-X basis, eg when he gate crashes some other band's lives. Am still recovering from the fact that he actually did it today, although I half suspected he would be doing so since they announced the session band.

I have been totally hyped up the whole day. I have stayed up for more than 10 hrs, following closely all live reports on 2ch, wow wow and relying on sms from a few friends who are there at aji. I have never done live blogging like this before.
Its over. I wished I was there. X Japan +Luna Sea + everyone else there...... you guys are truly無敵!

PS1: momo daisuki has updated her thoughts on Day 2.Check it out.
PS2: Taiji 有去!Taiji 有去!Taiji 有去!Taiji 有去!Taiji 有去!Taiji 有去!Taiji 有去!
他在自己的日记提到了。为什么,人都到了那边去,却没和yo见面。和以前tokyo yankees and ladies room 的member都见面了,为什么就是不肯提对方的名字。yo你为什么不去找泰哥,明明就很挂念,要不也不会有意无意提到他。 你们两个到底要别扭到什么时候!!!!!两个加起来都快百岁了好不好。还有几个10 年让你们别扭。真想把你们吊起来打!
Friday, May 02, 2008
5/2 ~ Wear something pink today! 5/3-4 Hide Memorial Summit - updating
BGM~~~~ pink spider + goodbye ~~~~on repeat mode

Day 1 - Hide Memorial Summit ( air venue. Disastrous!) 5/3 updated
All seats were full, stand was about 90% full. Policemen on standby all the way from eki to the stadium to guide people going for the show. Folks who queued up for concert goods were given a hide thank-you card. Plush doll sold out......ooorz
Yoyo did not appear in public as previously speculated. Only Pata was seen. Set up of stages - 1 big main stage and 2 smaller stages (I think) to minimize setup time in between band change. Monitors all over to allow those seated far back to be able to see all the stages.
Bands on main stage enjoyed a run time of about 40 mins, those on smaller stages (the vkei bands) had a run time of about 15 mins.
Lets hope day 2 enjoys better weather!