Thursday, March 29, 2007


Easily ranks as one of my fav voices ( not neccessarily means he gets into my ah-lao ranking charts). His voice breaks me!!!!!!!!!!

为什么就是不能大红大紫呢?虽然说也不错红啦。。。不过,takui的声音真的真得很赞的说!而且风格多变,从punk rock一直玩到爵士乐,他都拿捏得很好。。。。造化哦!是不是头太大的问题呢?(哈哈哈。。。。大头是takui的标志!)

mother sky - live acoustic version - 比cd收录的更棒。如果我在现场,一定哭得稀里哗啦! This voice drives me crazy. Takui never fails to amaze me with the amount of energy he emits on stage. And the way he delivers each song - effortless. Uuurgh, I just wished more people recognized his efforts ( for the record, I think the best he ever managed on Oricon was something like in the No. 20s ranking....which is so upsetting. He def deserves more than this...but the is such, thats what makes the entertainment world interesting!)

(又是一个标准恋父情结,右手上的玫瑰刺青是takui为了纪念去世的父亲而刺滴!很漂亮, 很显眼!1994年他takui中学毕业后,离开家乡福冈,单身到东京追寻自己的音乐梦。同年,他的父亲因为癌症离开人世。)

takui的官方网站有他过去发表过的所有歌曲试听。如果喜欢抒情歌曲,建议[誰かの声]或[いま君に逢いたいと思うこと],喜欢有点punk 的,可以试试[.ピアス]。takui写的东西里面,好歌不少就对了。如果问我那一首是我心头爱,就要推选[さらば摩天楼のFAIRYTALE]了, 听到我鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。live acoustic当然又比录音版本精彩百倍。我觉得,如果cd能把takui 现场所爆发的魅力呈现出一小部分的话,可能他的成就就不止这样了。看一下live收录版。。。。很赞吧!(小小声说,这个声音其实比很多很红的歌手好听。。。我觉得啦!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Duno why i everyday try replying u but it didn't work...
Anyway, soon will update some stuff, wait Patiently ね!笑