Tuesday, March 15, 2005

manga chain makes it to headline news

oh god....Comic rental chains made it to headline national news last nite....wooooooooooooahhhhhhh!!! apparently one mama was complaining that these shops allowed rentals of comics with undesirable contents aka explicit sexual themes. She went on to say that her teenage daughter read some of these comics and started fantasizing about becoming the female lead in the comic - which brings me to the qn, how did she know?? Well well, good old mama read her daughter's dairy or sthg ! Shudder.....

This lady even went on to blame such books for bad influence and the whole works....and, wow , get this one - she said what if her daughter became a single mum like all the recent cases of baby dumping!

gimme a break! U jolly well educate your kid, control them well, make them think for themselves. When u cannot do that, blame it on the external factors like - comics! Buay tahan!

For your info, the type of comics we get here are relatively tame, legions of fans out there are exposed to more explicit stuff...and i think they turned out so fine.

Lemme guess wats next:
Authorities will ban all comics with undesirable contents. Weep....Tactics will be banned for occult, all of yuki kaori's works will be banned coz it borders on urm slight BL themes, X will be banned coz of violence......laliloh!

Are we matured enough as a nation to have a casino? ( ^o^, cannot bear it, must mention it here) Answer is no. If we continue to have parents who do not want to do a proper job of teaching kids to think and differentiate between wats wrong/right....sure we will continue to churn out generations of immatured beings. Not that i claim to be tat lofty, but i think at least i would not be blaming something like a manga for the way i turned out.

meanwhile, its overseas manga spree or internet online purchase for me next

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