30,000¥的豪華box set!!!!!!!!!!!
轉載某個論壇上某BH和某小白的深情對談 (爆!!!)
某BH: 出版商分明把我們當菜頭!30,000¥!
某小白: 對阿,太那個了吧!把我們當笨蛋!
某BH: 我訂了。
某小白: 靠。。。。。我也訂了。
某BH: 有未公開過的畫面哦。。。。很期待。
某小白: 嗯,還有之前會員限定的PV
某BH:這個年頭提起X JAPAN沒幾個人知道,其實很樂意看到這種東西繼續出版,有點延續神話的樣子。
某小白: 延續得有點小貴。。。也不知道世界各地還有幾個苟言殘存死忠扇子願意這樣死撐著這個傳説。
某BH: 買與不買之間。。。。。只覺得有了能夠彌補心中一點遺憾的作用,所以就買了。在按了確認按鈕後,才覺得心疼那筆錢。
某小白: 30000¥,唉。。。。可以3天2夜香港游了呢。
某BH: 這個不能划上等號,我對香港游沒有什麽遺憾可言。
某小白: 也對,就是這個心情了。我不會打開,又或者看了1-2次後會小心翼翼的把box set收藏好。
某BH: 對對對, 就像對待我很多其它的收藏品一樣,好好收起來。這種東西,見光死。看多了, 對我身體和心靈發展都不好。看前年的AOL就讓我鬱悶了將近1個多月。現在偶爾看一下, 都有點想哭的衝動。
某小白: 把box set收起來, 好像神檯一樣供奉著。
某BH: 花了30000¥買個神檯回來供奉。。。果然很誇張吧。
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
ヴァンパイアホスト- 夜型愛人専門店
我要看我要看我要看。。。。不過大概是不會出版bootleg版本了。這種深夜播出的日劇應該不會吧。。。可是要我掏腰包買那個box set又很不捨得。
想看一堆美型男子演繹kranken club裏頭的吸血鬼牛郎。。。。哦, 大家吐我吧!
周末讀了松田悟志接受漫畫雜誌訪問關於演繹蘇芳的心得。松田哥哥好像費了一番心思 (雖然這只是一部在午夜過後播映, 沒引起什麽人注意的日劇)。他很仔細的分析了蘇芳這個吸血鬼,層次方面總共有4個 – 牛郎蘇芳,吸血鬼蘇芳,在莉音身旁的蘇芳和坦然面對自己的蘇芳。。。。雖然我看漫畫時是沒那麽多的想法,不過看松田的訪問,不禁也讓我有了小小的期待。(小聲說,其實很想看蘇芳化身吸血鬼的部分,在漫畫里很帥啊,那頭100萬朵玫瑰花般紅的頭髮忽然變長,上衣的紐扣也會無端端的爆開)。當然, 還有就是有貴老師為日劇所特別設計的服裝。我是比較喜歡這個maid的啦,而且dvd第2卷也用了來做封面。學生水手服那一套我反而覺得不太好看。
想看一堆美型男子演繹kranken club裏頭的吸血鬼牛郎。。。。哦, 大家吐我吧!
周末讀了松田悟志接受漫畫雜誌訪問關於演繹蘇芳的心得。松田哥哥好像費了一番心思 (雖然這只是一部在午夜過後播映, 沒引起什麽人注意的日劇)。他很仔細的分析了蘇芳這個吸血鬼,層次方面總共有4個 – 牛郎蘇芳,吸血鬼蘇芳,在莉音身旁的蘇芳和坦然面對自己的蘇芳。。。。雖然我看漫畫時是沒那麽多的想法,不過看松田的訪問,不禁也讓我有了小小的期待。(小聲說,其實很想看蘇芳化身吸血鬼的部分,在漫畫里很帥啊,那頭100萬朵玫瑰花般紅的頭髮忽然變長,上衣的紐扣也會無端端的爆開)。當然, 還有就是有貴老師為日劇所特別設計的服裝。我是比較喜歡這個maid的啦,而且dvd第2卷也用了來做封面。學生水手服那一套我反而覺得不太好看。
Saturday, August 20, 2005
just me talking......
I do not understand or have the faintest idea why some folks just love to go around bitching about others and setting people up.
Recently there was a promotion exercise in the company, this particular PRICK actually stormed into the boss’ room and threw a big tantrum coz HE was not promoted.
Doesn’t anyone get it???!!!! Gawd….even if that somebody does not get a pay rise or a promotion, that opportunity is not going to be yours anyway. Grrrrrrrr………. And this PRICK of the year enjoys setting people up, and for once it backfired upon him….so Guess what, he storms into Boss’ room and cry foul again. You see, such people NEVER EVER see themselves as the one responsible for the situation or mess they get into, its ALWAYS somebody else’s fault. Really cannot tahan! Don’t you just wish you could blanket him and dump him at Changi Beach…..But no way, the PRICK of the year is such a slimeball, I would get into trouble with the authorities for doing that. Probably be forced to do corrective work order…..Definitely not worth it la!
On a happier note, the Slipknot live was rock solid – over 2 hours of pure heavy metal jamming……Ooooooh This is what life is all about. But I think I overdid the mosh pit thingy and twisted my left ankle slightly (a pure sign of old age! In my hey days, this is NOTHING!). Anyway, was there alone but din exactly feel alone….i think the fellow heavy metal fans were all chummy with each other…..so it was like one big mosh pit aka one big fat maggot jumping and headbanging …was it fun!!!!!!
Back to my ankle, I can walk without problems, but my left ankle feels a bit stiff…..probably need to see a Chinese sinseh this weekend. …mmmmmm, am really getting old liao. But…long time never see rock concert this sorlid !
Recently there was a promotion exercise in the company, this particular PRICK actually stormed into the boss’ room and threw a big tantrum coz HE was not promoted.
Doesn’t anyone get it???!!!! Gawd….even if that somebody does not get a pay rise or a promotion, that opportunity is not going to be yours anyway. Grrrrrrrr………. And this PRICK of the year enjoys setting people up, and for once it backfired upon him….so Guess what, he storms into Boss’ room and cry foul again. You see, such people NEVER EVER see themselves as the one responsible for the situation or mess they get into, its ALWAYS somebody else’s fault. Really cannot tahan! Don’t you just wish you could blanket him and dump him at Changi Beach…..But no way, the PRICK of the year is such a slimeball, I would get into trouble with the authorities for doing that. Probably be forced to do corrective work order…..Definitely not worth it la!
On a happier note, the Slipknot live was rock solid – over 2 hours of pure heavy metal jamming……Ooooooh This is what life is all about. But I think I overdid the mosh pit thingy and twisted my left ankle slightly (a pure sign of old age! In my hey days, this is NOTHING!). Anyway, was there alone but din exactly feel alone….i think the fellow heavy metal fans were all chummy with each other…..so it was like one big mosh pit aka one big fat maggot jumping and headbanging …was it fun!!!!!!
Back to my ankle, I can walk without problems, but my left ankle feels a bit stiff…..probably need to see a Chinese sinseh this weekend. …mmmmmm, am really getting old liao. But…long time never see rock concert this sorlid !
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
「闇」 について
可是我翻了好久, 在漢語字典裏面都沒有這個字。。。還是, 我筆劃算錯了呢?
很在意這個字滴。。。。要形容darkness, [闇]比黑暗更有意境, 要形容evil,[闇]比邪惡更有深度更讓人有想象的空間。很微妙!
可是我翻了好久, 在漢語字典裏面都沒有這個字。。。還是, 我筆劃算錯了呢?
很在意這個字滴。。。。要形容darkness, [闇]比黑暗更有意境, 要形容evil,[闇]比邪惡更有深度更讓人有想象的空間。很微妙!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Yeah yeah!
Yeah yeah yeah!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
昨晚和她老人家一起整理櫥櫃裏面的衣服。。。哇,好亂哦!我知道其實以一個雌性動物來説, 我的衣服不算多的了。一個衣櫃擺得完, 外加一些包包, 還有空位放些雜物。不過。。。。就是很亂,而且有些衣服已經很久沒穿了,有時甚至忘了原來壓在櫥底還有什麽!
Giordano之1 –歷史悠久,記得是讀書時代買的,那時覺得giordano已經是名牌中的名牌了。哦。。。還是早期的青蛙嘜頭!笑。。。我現在還在穿,而且穿得很頻密。。。。物超所值!
Giordano ladies – 最新滴。。。大概2年前購入。褲腳剪開,有須須的那種。到目前爲止,也是心頭好!
CK – 3年前在國外出差時,看見6折, 虛榮心作祟之下購入。CK喔。。。是名牌呢。。。不過後來發覺我根本不適合,買回來之後,很後悔,一次也沒穿過。
Escada – 我娘滴!白色底加小粉色碎花。。。。是我娘到德國旅行時在factory outlet所買。當時我記得我娘穿在身上好漂亮,所以一直對這件褲子很有好感。我娘穿上這件褲子,牽著我的說逛街時,我總覺得她好引人注目!我也好驕傲呢!後來。。。。不知道爲了什麽原因,我娘漸漸少穿了,因爲覺得‘娘‘ 味十足。我也覺得如此, 不過爲了某些連我自己也不清楚的理由, 我把這件碎花牛仔褲當
雜牌之1 – 歹勢,在新加坡某件很著名的廉價服裝店頭買的,價錢還不到$25新幣,超便宜,顔色也超特別。基本上,如果現在我隨手拿件牛仔褲來穿,大概會是這件吧。
雜牌之2 – 因爲有了雜牌之1的好印象, 我再接再厲又在同一家商店買了第2件雜牌君。有點喇叭褲,如果上身穿rock tee, 通常會配這件, 覺得那個藍色褪得很有rock 的味道!這件更便宜, 不到新幣$20.
guess jeans – 有段時期很愛追名牌, 尤其是歐美名牌。在那種情況下買了guess jeans。。。。其實穿在腳上,把我的大腿粗大的毛病到暴露出來了。我穿過1-2次,從此雪藏!
BGM:SOLER [雙聲道] –這張cd不錯呢!
Yeah yeah yeah!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
昨晚和她老人家一起整理櫥櫃裏面的衣服。。。哇,好亂哦!我知道其實以一個雌性動物來説, 我的衣服不算多的了。一個衣櫃擺得完, 外加一些包包, 還有空位放些雜物。不過。。。。就是很亂,而且有些衣服已經很久沒穿了,有時甚至忘了原來壓在櫥底還有什麽!
Giordano之1 –歷史悠久,記得是讀書時代買的,那時覺得giordano已經是名牌中的名牌了。哦。。。還是早期的青蛙嘜頭!笑。。。我現在還在穿,而且穿得很頻密。。。。物超所值!
Giordano ladies – 最新滴。。。大概2年前購入。褲腳剪開,有須須的那種。到目前爲止,也是心頭好!
CK – 3年前在國外出差時,看見6折, 虛榮心作祟之下購入。CK喔。。。是名牌呢。。。不過後來發覺我根本不適合,買回來之後,很後悔,一次也沒穿過。
Escada – 我娘滴!白色底加小粉色碎花。。。。是我娘到德國旅行時在factory outlet所買。當時我記得我娘穿在身上好漂亮,所以一直對這件褲子很有好感。我娘穿上這件褲子,牽著我的說逛街時,我總覺得她好引人注目!我也好驕傲呢!後來。。。。不知道爲了什麽原因,我娘漸漸少穿了,因爲覺得‘娘‘ 味十足。我也覺得如此, 不過爲了某些連我自己也不清楚的理由, 我把這件碎花牛仔褲當
雜牌之1 – 歹勢,在新加坡某件很著名的廉價服裝店頭買的,價錢還不到$25新幣,超便宜,顔色也超特別。基本上,如果現在我隨手拿件牛仔褲來穿,大概會是這件吧。
雜牌之2 – 因爲有了雜牌之1的好印象, 我再接再厲又在同一家商店買了第2件雜牌君。有點喇叭褲,如果上身穿rock tee, 通常會配這件, 覺得那個藍色褪得很有rock 的味道!這件更便宜, 不到新幣$20.
guess jeans – 有段時期很愛追名牌, 尤其是歐美名牌。在那種情況下買了guess jeans。。。。其實穿在腳上,把我的大腿粗大的毛病到暴露出來了。我穿過1-2次,從此雪藏!
BGM:SOLER [雙聲道] –這張cd不錯呢!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
font de anniversary
終於看了font de anniversary-DVD了! MC的部份雖然多,不過,剪得很糟糕!!喜多川這個臭老頭到底在想什麽?
光一把剛送的簽名板放進胸膛那一幕超粉紅。。。。爲什麽沒有收錄!!!氣死我了!不過, special reel很好看,可以看到色色的王子和爆可愛小剛!
看著dvd,又想起去年自己在現場。。。。真不是普通的興奮,簡直熱血沸騰!原來,當時有那麽high 滴!哦。。。好想快點看到他們兩隻!
Encore部分,有個光一溫柔凝視小剛的鏡頭 (是在詢問要不要再來一段anniversary 的清唱)。。。。一句話都不用説出口,對方就知道另外一隻要做什麽了。。。而且,他們選擇從中段直接切入唱起,不用說什麽, 爲什麽兩隻都知道要從那一小段開始???好可怕的默契!這一段我看了差不多10多次。。。dvd一定花了!
其實kinki也不一定要跳舞,記得去年在現場時,最喜歡的部分是青的時代,剛和光一個別再升降臺上,緩緩升起, 再加上燈光配合。。。。整個感覺都很好。尤其是兩隻已經很久沒唱這首歌了。。。演這部日劇的時候,小剛還是臭小孩。
聽CD也覺得聲線很稚氣,闊別多年,更讓我清楚看到了他們的成長。歌藝方面,舞蹈方面, 待人處世方面。。。。他們都在不斷進步。(我覺得啦。。。不過我有時候是很盲目滴!)
嗯。。。。最近,可能dvd機都會被font de anniversary霸佔著吧!
光一把剛送的簽名板放進胸膛那一幕超粉紅。。。。爲什麽沒有收錄!!!氣死我了!不過, special reel很好看,可以看到色色的王子和爆可愛小剛!
看著dvd,又想起去年自己在現場。。。。真不是普通的興奮,簡直熱血沸騰!原來,當時有那麽high 滴!哦。。。好想快點看到他們兩隻!
Encore部分,有個光一溫柔凝視小剛的鏡頭 (是在詢問要不要再來一段anniversary 的清唱)。。。。一句話都不用説出口,對方就知道另外一隻要做什麽了。。。而且,他們選擇從中段直接切入唱起,不用說什麽, 爲什麽兩隻都知道要從那一小段開始???好可怕的默契!這一段我看了差不多10多次。。。dvd一定花了!
其實kinki也不一定要跳舞,記得去年在現場時,最喜歡的部分是青的時代,剛和光一個別再升降臺上,緩緩升起, 再加上燈光配合。。。。整個感覺都很好。尤其是兩隻已經很久沒唱這首歌了。。。演這部日劇的時候,小剛還是臭小孩。
聽CD也覺得聲線很稚氣,闊別多年,更讓我清楚看到了他們的成長。歌藝方面,舞蹈方面, 待人處世方面。。。。他們都在不斷進步。(我覺得啦。。。不過我有時候是很盲目滴!)
嗯。。。。最近,可能dvd機都會被font de anniversary霸佔著吧!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
和j 樣到了紀國,買了deathnote臺灣版。。。。終于都到了M 和N出場了。。。終于。。。。。
還有扛了一直猶豫要不要收集的東京巴比倫日版全套。。。哦, 我的小昂流。
照片美美不在話下。。。。不過大家一定要注意一小格裏面, 有張小剛塗了紅色指甲油和紅色口紅的大頭照。。。。好可愛,可是爲什麽那麽小張呢!
嗯。。。本來打算看font de anniversary的,看著LP包裝呆了一整個早上都不捨得打開,還是留到國慶日在家裏發黴時再拼了。昨天反而看了FMA的一個音樂盛會。。。果然, 配愛德華德聲優的是個女的,mustang的聲優是個中年發福的阿伯。。。。有時,真的寧願不看或不知道聲優是誰了。。。。笑!
不過, 兩部在結尾部分。。。。很傷感。
小小聲說。。。。前些時候不是一直嚷著要賣漫畫嗎,昨天晚上忙著整理,因爲我娘快回來了。。。。最後,什麽都不打算賣。。。。終究有點不捨得。本來一直要把使禁獵區解決掉,可是昨晚把漫畫撒了一地,重新拿了幾冊翻了一下,這麽一翻,竟讓我不知不覺的讀了一個晚上。沙發爾。。。太多感觸了, 所以最後乖乖把漫畫又都排整齊,收起來了。。。我會被我娘碎碎念滴!
和j 樣到了紀國,買了deathnote臺灣版。。。。終于都到了M 和N出場了。。。終于。。。。。
還有扛了一直猶豫要不要收集的東京巴比倫日版全套。。。哦, 我的小昂流。
照片美美不在話下。。。。不過大家一定要注意一小格裏面, 有張小剛塗了紅色指甲油和紅色口紅的大頭照。。。。好可愛,可是爲什麽那麽小張呢!
嗯。。。本來打算看font de anniversary的,看著LP包裝呆了一整個早上都不捨得打開,還是留到國慶日在家裏發黴時再拼了。昨天反而看了FMA的一個音樂盛會。。。果然, 配愛德華德聲優的是個女的,mustang的聲優是個中年發福的阿伯。。。。有時,真的寧願不看或不知道聲優是誰了。。。。笑!
不過, 兩部在結尾部分。。。。很傷感。
小小聲說。。。。前些時候不是一直嚷著要賣漫畫嗎,昨天晚上忙著整理,因爲我娘快回來了。。。。最後,什麽都不打算賣。。。。終究有點不捨得。本來一直要把使禁獵區解決掉,可是昨晚把漫畫撒了一地,重新拿了幾冊翻了一下,這麽一翻,竟讓我不知不覺的讀了一個晚上。沙發爾。。。太多感觸了, 所以最後乖乖把漫畫又都排整齊,收起來了。。。我會被我娘碎碎念滴!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Adidas 35th Anniversary Series
Was flipping through the catalogue which came with my CREAM special edition a couple of months back (wow….i really know how to drag my feet), pretty interested in some of the models. I am not too much of a sneakers or track shoes person (yap, I barely exercise…or rather I seldom move unless its absolutely necessary), but I guess I would like a pair…, out of pure hiao-ness. Prob would not pay too much unless it really catches my eye, like some of the shoes in the 35th anniversary catalogue did. I would luv to know whats the special no.35 design as well. Will go hunt for a picture of it.
個人的にはno. 26 Boston が気になりますねぇ….in a GREEN mode these days. The Upper Playground one’s pretty cute too.
Will prob go check out what my fav shop in Far East has to offer this weekend.
Was flipping through the catalogue which came with my CREAM special edition a couple of months back (wow….i really know how to drag my feet), pretty interested in some of the models. I am not too much of a sneakers or track shoes person (yap, I barely exercise…or rather I seldom move unless its absolutely necessary), but I guess I would like a pair…, out of pure hiao-ness. Prob would not pay too much unless it really catches my eye, like some of the shoes in the 35th anniversary catalogue did. I would luv to know whats the special no.35 design as well. Will go hunt for a picture of it.
個人的にはno. 26 Boston が気になりますねぇ….in a GREEN mode these days. The Upper Playground one’s pretty cute too.
Will prob go check out what my fav shop in Far East has to offer this weekend.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I want that BLYTH doll
Finally received a parcel full of animation dvds – Full Metal Alchemist, Tactics, Black Jack, Hikaru no Go, Bleach Pt 1 and some other….erm, lets not get into the details here.
Seems that SINO center is back in full swing activity again……Yip Yip Yipeeeeee!
Wished we had sthg like SINO center back here in where I live. Am sick of having to resort to burning VCDs ( which I cannot really do at the moment coz my PC is in RIP mode), running from shop to shop and seeing the same boring titles over and over again ß for that matter, if I do find sthg interesting its usually at a “which bank do I rob” kind of price.
I saw FMA DVD Pt 1 in the shops the other day. Tsk tsk tsk…… the whole freaking series gonna span over 10 DVDs, good luck to those who had started the collection. Good luck to you wallet as well……^o^. Its way toooooo expensive. Really, its not the original box set from Japan. It does not even come with the usual freebies that Japanese anime fans get.
Was initially worried that the raid at SINO center would kill the place, but the latest I heard was that the raids were targeted at the AV shops located on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor of SINO center. According to my HK kakee, now these floors are all vacated and the shops are up for rental again. But, the management is making it a point to rent out the retail space to targeted type of shops only, even if it means rental may be lower. The aim is really to promote a new image for Sino. As for the Jpop shops, some have gone, new ones are up…….most importantly the 4 main animation DVD retail outlets at the basement are still as alive as ever. There is a new visual rock inspired shop on the 1st floor now. Well, am a bit sad that Up to Boy is gone, in its place is another shop specializing in Taiwanese inspired stuff. The usual Korean wave is making its presence felt in Sino as well……but rest assured, Jrock/Jpop/Anime lovers would still find Sino THE PLACE ! There are new manga shops as well.
信和洗底雖然還未能説是大成功, 不過至少四仔明顯減少了, 那對某些店鋪和消費者未嘗不是一件好事。
Laughs….am contemplating getting myself a mini Blythe doll….uuurgh, I want one badly…..shall go check it out this weekend after Jap class.
Seems that SINO center is back in full swing activity again……Yip Yip Yipeeeeee!
Wished we had sthg like SINO center back here in where I live. Am sick of having to resort to burning VCDs ( which I cannot really do at the moment coz my PC is in RIP mode), running from shop to shop and seeing the same boring titles over and over again ß for that matter, if I do find sthg interesting its usually at a “which bank do I rob” kind of price.
I saw FMA DVD Pt 1 in the shops the other day. Tsk tsk tsk…… the whole freaking series gonna span over 10 DVDs, good luck to those who had started the collection. Good luck to you wallet as well……^o^. Its way toooooo expensive. Really, its not the original box set from Japan. It does not even come with the usual freebies that Japanese anime fans get.
Was initially worried that the raid at SINO center would kill the place, but the latest I heard was that the raids were targeted at the AV shops located on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor of SINO center. According to my HK kakee, now these floors are all vacated and the shops are up for rental again. But, the management is making it a point to rent out the retail space to targeted type of shops only, even if it means rental may be lower. The aim is really to promote a new image for Sino. As for the Jpop shops, some have gone, new ones are up…….most importantly the 4 main animation DVD retail outlets at the basement are still as alive as ever. There is a new visual rock inspired shop on the 1st floor now. Well, am a bit sad that Up to Boy is gone, in its place is another shop specializing in Taiwanese inspired stuff. The usual Korean wave is making its presence felt in Sino as well……but rest assured, Jrock/Jpop/Anime lovers would still find Sino THE PLACE ! There are new manga shops as well.
信和洗底雖然還未能説是大成功, 不過至少四仔明顯減少了, 那對某些店鋪和消費者未嘗不是一件好事。
Laughs….am contemplating getting myself a mini Blythe doll….uuurgh, I want one badly…..shall go check it out this weekend after Jap class.
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