Finally received a parcel full of animation dvds – Full Metal Alchemist, Tactics, Black Jack, Hikaru no Go, Bleach Pt 1 and some other….erm, lets not get into the details here.
Seems that SINO center is back in full swing activity again……Yip Yip Yipeeeeee!
Wished we had sthg like SINO center back here in where I live. Am sick of having to resort to burning VCDs ( which I cannot really do at the moment coz my PC is in RIP mode), running from shop to shop and seeing the same boring titles over and over again ß for that matter, if I do find sthg interesting its usually at a “which bank do I rob” kind of price.
I saw FMA DVD Pt 1 in the shops the other day. Tsk tsk tsk…… the whole freaking series gonna span over 10 DVDs, good luck to those who had started the collection. Good luck to you wallet as well……^o^. Its way toooooo expensive. Really, its not the original box set from Japan. It does not even come with the usual freebies that Japanese anime fans get.
Was initially worried that the raid at SINO center would kill the place, but the latest I heard was that the raids were targeted at the AV shops located on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor of SINO center. According to my HK kakee, now these floors are all vacated and the shops are up for rental again. But, the management is making it a point to rent out the retail space to targeted type of shops only, even if it means rental may be lower. The aim is really to promote a new image for Sino. As for the Jpop shops, some have gone, new ones are up…….most importantly the 4 main animation DVD retail outlets at the basement are still as alive as ever. There is a new visual rock inspired shop on the 1st floor now. Well, am a bit sad that Up to Boy is gone, in its place is another shop specializing in Taiwanese inspired stuff. The usual Korean wave is making its presence felt in Sino as well……but rest assured, Jrock/Jpop/Anime lovers would still find Sino THE PLACE ! There are new manga shops as well.
信和洗底雖然還未能説是大成功, 不過至少四仔明顯減少了, 那對某些店鋪和消費者未嘗不是一件好事。
Laughs….am contemplating getting myself a mini Blythe doll….uuurgh, I want one badly…..shall go check it out this weekend after Jap class.